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Essentials of Exterior Lighting
Window Shopping, Literally
Is It Better to Buy or Build?



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc semper mollis ligula, vel suscipit erat porta eu.


Online Course

Signature Five
Day Challenge

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Is One of These Famous Movie Houses Your Dream Home?

FEB. 23, 2021

Blooming Flowers

hey there!

I'm Kim, lead designer at Bauer Design Group and brain behind Dream Build Academy.

Spend twenty years in any business and you'll be dealt your fair share of triumphs and disasters. Designing and building homes is a tricky, expensive business; a surprisingly emotional one, too, when that home is your own. I've learned my lessons the hard way so that my clients don't have to. What's next on our list to tackle?


Holding a Paintbrush

The Key to Effective and Structured Visualizing


movie house thing.png

Is One of These Famous Movie Sets Your Dream Home?


White Flowers


Ready to Make Your Dream Home A Reality?

Home without the headache, 

just a click away.

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